Monday, October 02, 2006


Hair of a Dog

Today I saw some of the most WORST dressed people! I saw a sixth grader wearing cut-off pants making a skirt... but they were so damn short that is she were too sneeze the suprise would come out. Its like posting the toy on the out side of a Cracker Jack box. THERE ARE RULES!
  1. NO [and I mean you!] cut off pants, shorts ect.
  2. NO pants with overly large holes or tares.
Also I would like to say for the record "Victoria the Secret is out!"

I was listening to the radio and they said a quote of bush's and I can't recall it all so I won't try too say it because there will be someone who calls me out on it. Well any way it was ecesively stupid and it was about the war and I think its Clinton's fault.... if he invaded Iraq when he was president we would almost be out of there by now! Or maybe I'm just crazy like Manson!

I just finished reading 'The Da-Vinci Code', this book was good... no better than other books because it took chances like called out the cellergy and called bullshit on the bible, that is a new id- never mind its not a new idea. But still it does better at beating up the bible then other books. I would like to comment that all the people that don't like the book or the flick, thay dislike it for the wrong reason. Most of them dislike it because it says Jesus had kids but the book also states that the book wasn't faxed down from heaven and that means the man made it to controll the masses plus man can be wrong. Think of it like this, god made everthing in 6 day, no? BUT WHAT ABOUT DINOSUORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Aristacrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so I won't try too say it because there will be someone who calls me out on it.

well, when that happens (and it will happen, because, well, nobody's so perfect and it's human nature to screw up, etc. blah blah), you can:

1) insist you're right and they're wrong. this can be fun for a while.

2) say words to the effect of - oh, hey, thanks - I was unsure of his exact words. Thanks, fellow blogger!

3) if you get really inspired and pit-bull tenacious about it, you can look up what he said at any one of a number of sources.

4) don't forget to qualify, qualify, qualify -

"as far as I remember"
"I think he said"
"according to my sources, he said"

that way, when someone says "dude, that's BS, he said 'the aristoCATS'," you can say "well, thanks for clearing that up", or "well, the new york times said he said THAT", or as appropriate.

in the meantime, be brave! say what you gotta say! even if you screw up, it wouldn't be the first time on the intarweb that someone screwed up.
Nice post Wil. I agree.
GR - he's a bright young lad, isn't he?

I can't get over the fact that he just whomped himself up a blog.

(beams with pride)
gandhi rules: thanks and I'm glad you agree.

antiprincess: thanks for the sage [not old]advice, do I beam with light?

The reason I started a blog was because I needed to let off some steam.
antiprincess...... you spelt interweb wrong, I don't mean to call you out but you spelt it intarweb.
I assure you, "intarweb" is an acceptable alternate spelling.

look it up.

and yes, letting off steam is healthy for you.
I will look it up and insisting you are right is fun..but not to your cousin.

Chock Cherries!!!! What do you say?
Both can be used. But its where you are from that desides how you spell it... like "I say potato and you say potato"... crap you spell them the same, well you get my drift.
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