Thursday, October 05, 2006


Free Fallin'

Alert!!!! A rant about current rock, if you hold it dear do not continue! If you do and you are affended... don't say I didn't tell ya!

The rock of to day is the same song over and over again! You pay for ten versions of the same song. All of the recent records that have come out are the exietment equvalint of cruse control at 30 mph. The same old thing till you get to the end and you must press the brake. The same speed, nothing new just new secenary[sybolism for the band's "look"] and even that looks the same. The motor never changes its sound just like said bands. So don't expect anything new till a new generation to change music. If this music were a car it would be a Corrvet, all look and no real power.
Change of subject!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just recently saw a trailer for an up coming movie called The Death of a President! The premiss is what would happen if Bush was assasinated. I will bet that the critics won't like it but the American population will like the movie. The movie uses some real fotage of a parade and a actor is shot and all the movie crew did was photoshop Bush's head in. This film won awards at the Toranto Film Festival. So go and see it or steal it or download it when it comes out!

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