Sunday, October 01, 2006


Bad Moon Rising

This is my first blog and I have been thinking of having one for some time. After some time to think what my blog would be about, it dawned to me. Music! I myself am a music lover of many kinds. [I'll elaberate later] Games, video games that is, I'm not the sence less person who sit around all weekend to play them but I am what yuo would call a hard-core gamer. And almost everthing else, the goverment, every day things, movies and all else that fall in between.

Music... I am not the tipical persons my age. At 15 I dislike "emo" [but some of my best friends ect.] or the "heavy metal" of today. I more lean toword the older music [Hendrix, Zepplin, C.C.R., Skynyrd, Alice Copper, ZZ Top, The Stones, Beatles, Spinal Tap, Thin Lizy, The Who, The Clash, Grand Funk ect.] I have a ferm belife that 95% of recored music today is bad. Non-imaginative, uniform giutar work, and tuned down bullshit![Slipnot, Green Day] I must say there are some stand out bands I like such as Incubus and Soul CoughingBeck.
The same band seems to be being made like carbon copy! The same chord pregretions the same "singer", and boring lyrics. It seems to be if you buy a guitar and find a drummer, yell out some words your a band. If some one has some real talent but just dosen't fit in with style then they are pushed aside for some one who knows three power chords and can read tabs. This is leading the music liseners where. Is this telling kids that a minimale effort can get you a recording deal? YES!!!!!!!!!!

Games... well its kind of self explianitory here. I am a avid gamer and love games. I play all kind of them. The thinking ones, puzzle games, hackin' slash. All of it! But osme I just can't believe! The Grand Theif Auto scandal was all hipe. Many games have those hidden coding in them, once a game is coded it is a bitch to go back into it to delete a half done idea. But to cover it is fast ans much easier. And don't get me started on Hillary Clinton's veiws on games.

All else... this includes movies, tv, goverment, the IRAA, and anything you can think of. In the movies end of things I dig Kevin Smith but because of and interveiw he had I am on the outs with the cat. Tarintino is also very cool. [after Pulp Fiction it when to crap until Kill Bill Vol. 1] Did anyone see the Bill Clinton interveiw and how they said KILL...KILL. Not capture or anything, just straight up KILL!

Thats all for now.


now how does it happen that a good and decent young man like yourself knows the forbidden punch line?

that would indicate that you also know the forbidden joke.

ya scare me, kid.
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